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Quail Ridge Townhouse Design

Kelowna townhouse development

Project Story

Currently in Design

The proposed development is made up of two buildings, one 4-unit and one 3-unit townhouse. Each of the 7 units contain a tandem garage on the ground level, primary living spaces and outdoor amenity spaces on the second level, and either 2 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms on the third level. Each unit has a developed square footage of between 1400 and 2154 SF.
Great care has been taken to provide a high level of articulation, architectural feature, and interest on the elevation. Additionally, each unit has wall portions that step in and out of the main building face to create articulation, shadow lines, and natural locations for material changes. Each of these features creates an abundance of visually interesting architectural elements and helps in reducing the perceived bulk of the building while contributing to a vibrant and dynamic streetscape.


Kelowna, BC


Carlisle Group