The future of multifamily housing in Calgary is green. 

Incorporating sustainable practices and features into home design is no longer a suggestion, it’s an important part of meeting the goals set out in Calgary’s Climate Strategy – Pathway to 2050. With a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, this plan emphasizes energy efficiency, low-carbon technologies, and sustainable community development.

As developers, home designers, and builders, we’re an important part of meeting this goal. This means implementing green design features, building strategies, and creative thinking to develop multifamily housing that doesn’t just meet the needs of tenants, but of the environment as well.

Why Multifamily Developments Matter

When we talk about building sustainably, multifamily developments are at the forefront. These buildings can help reduce our environmental footprint in several ways. 

  • Efficient Land Use: By housing more people in less space, these developments preserve more natural land around our city. They also make better use of existing infrastructure like roads, sewers, and utilities, leading to reduced per capita costs and environmental impacts.
  • Energy Efficiency: multifamily buildings often have shared walls, floors, and ceilings which can reduce the amount of exposed exterior surfaces and decrease heating and cooling needs. This sustainable design considerably improves energy efficiency compared to detached homes.
  • Resource Conservation: multifamily developments can incorporate systems like greywater recycling and solar panels. These features reduce the overall environmental footprint of the residents by decreasing water usage and reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
  • Reduces Carbon Footprint: Proximity to urban centres and public transportation is a typical feature of multifamily developments. This encourages residents to rely less on private vehicles and more on public transport, walking, or cycling, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Promotes Social Sustainability: By design, multifamily developments often foster a sense of community among residents through shared spaces and facilities. This can enhance social interactions and support networks, which are important aspects of sustainable communities.
  • Provides Economic Benefits: multifamily homes can be more affordable than single-family homes—both in terms of direct costs and associated costs like energy, water, and maintenance. This affordability can make sustainable living accessible to more people.
Sustainable multifamily housing in Calgary

Sustainable Design Features for Multifamily Homes

Integrating sustainable features into multifamily home design helps the environment and increases comfort and cost-effectiveness. While an important part of preventing the repercussions of climate change, they lend renters a helping hand too. 

There are numerous ways to design with the environment in mind, create sustainable housing in Calgary, and contribute to becoming a low-carbon economy. 

Green Buildings Lead the Way

In Calgary, new multifamily buildings do more than just save space. They save energy too. 

These buildings are designed to be as energy-efficient as possible. Think of features like better insulation, energy-efficient windows, and systems that use less water and electricity. Residents get to save money while less stress is put on the environment. See more details below:

  • Energy Efficiency Enhancements: High-performance insulation and windows reduce heating and cooling demands by keeping a more consistent internal temperature. Energy-efficient appliances and lighting like ENERGY STAR-rated appliances and LED lighting can significantly reduce electricity usage.
  • Water Conservation Measures: Low-flow fixtures and toilets use less water which helps reduce overall water consumption. Rainwater harvesting systems collect rainwater for landscaping and other non-potable water uses, reducing the demand on the municipal water supply.
  • Renewable Energy Integration: Solar panels can be used to generate a portion of the building’s electrical needs, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Geothermal heating and cooling systems use the earth’s stable underground temperature to regulate building temperature more efficiently.
  • Natural Lighting and Ventilation: Designing buildings to maximize daylight and natural airflow reduces the need for artificial lighting and enhances air quality. Read more about 

Sustainable Building

You have many choices as a developer or builder. The materials you choose to build a multifamily home in Calgary are one of the most important. While opting for brand new materials can result in longer lifespans, recycled materials are often more eco-friendly and encourage construction waste management. 

Locally sourced materials are a happy middle ground, reducing the environmental impact associated with transportation.

Other features included in sustainable home design include green roofs and walls. These can improve insulation and reduce the urban heat island effect. Green roofs are also a great space for gardens, which tend to foster a sense of community among residents.

Smart Home Design

When thinking about sustainable design, smart home features can’t be left out. These include automated smart home monitoring systems that moderate indoor temperature, called building automation systems (BAS), and advanced metering to manage energy and water use. 

Both technologies give residents more control over their energy consumption, and with presets for day, night, and vacation, can result in lowered energy usage.

Creative Transit Solutions

Another key feature of sustainable multifamily development is being close to public transit. This is what we call transit-oriented development (TOD). By building homes near train stations or bus routes, we make it easier for people to choose public transit over driving. Fewer cars on the road mean less traffic and cleaner air.

It’s also important to encourage the use of electric vehicles, which we can do by including electric vehicle charging stations in exterior design features. Bike storage is also a great exterior feature to accommodate city bikes and make them easy to access by tenants.

Moderns Exterior Multifamily Reno

The Big Picture

Calgary’s move towards multifamily and transit-oriented developments isn’t just about meeting today’s needs. It’s about thinking ahead. It’s about creating communities that are great places to live and kind to our environment.

As Calgary continues to grow, multifamily developments play a crucial role in our city’s journey toward sustainability. These developments are a win-win. They’re good for both our community and our planet. 

By focusing on green building practices and transit-friendly locations, Calgary is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future. Contact Ellergodt Design to learn more about what’s possible for your next project.


Why is real estate important for sustainability?

Real estate is an important part of a sustainable city. The buildings we develop use resources and land and take an environmental toll. When a home designer integrates sustainable features in building design, resources and land are used more responsibly, and environmental impact is lessened.

Is Calgary eco-friendly?

Calgary has made strides in becoming a leader in environmental sustainability. Pursuing eco-friendly initiatives within building and business, the city released the Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathway to 2050 to meet even more advanced sustainability goals.